Journal of the African Language Teachers Association (JALTA)
The National African Language Resource Cente (NALRC) collaborates with the African Language Teachers Association (ALTA) to publish the Journal of the African Language Teachers' Association (JALTA) annually. JALTA is the official journal of ALTA.
JALTA serves the professional interests of teachers, researchers, and administrators of African languages in all settings and all levels of instruction. It is dedicated to topics related to the teaching and learning of African languages in foreign-language contexts. Articles that describe innovative and successful teaching methods that are relevant to the concerns or problems of the profession, or that report educational research or experimentation in African languages are welcome.
The sections in JALTA include: Articles, Book Reviews, and Pedagogical Reports.
Papers presented at the annual African Language Teachers’ Association (ALTA) Conference will be considered for publication, but additional manuscripts from members of the profession are also welcome.
Frequency of Publication:
The Journal is refereed and published once a year.
The JALTA publication process is now managed through the Open Journal System (OJS) hosted by the Indiana University PRESS.
Submitting a Manuscript
In addition to the annual calls for papers, we accept papers all year round. Paper submission to the Journal is open to the public. However, authors whose paper(s) are submitted for publication, will be required to be current paid members of ALTA before their articles are published. Information about the journal's style guide and manuscripts submission can be found in the online submission system.
JALTA Review Process
The submissions are evaluated using a double-blind peer review process. Each paper is sent to at least two reviewers and only those with two positive evaluations (accept or accept with changes) are included in the Journal. Each paper is assigned to at least one specialist of the language addressed in the paper and one "generalist", i.e., an expert in other less commonly taught languages. All references to the author(s) are removed before the submission is sent to the reviewers and all references to the reviewers are removed when their comments are sent to the author(s)
Inquiries about JALTA or concerning manuscript submission should be directed to nalrc@iu.edu
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